We remind you! Migrant workers who have received patents must..................More detailed
within two months, notify the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation about the implementation of labor activity.
To do this, they must have an employment or civil law contract.

A civil law contract can be concluded either in writing or orally. Special lines are provided for this in the notification form.
In this case, the Customer's passport data will be required to fill out the notification form.

New migration registration forms..................More detailed
Please note that on 02/05/2025, the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 10/22/2024 No. 628 entered into force, which amends the Administrative Regulations for the Provision of Public Services for the Migration Registration of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Russian Federation No. 856 dated 12/10/2020

According to the order, a new form of notification of the arrival of a foreign citizen or stateless person at the place of stay (migration registration) was approved. (Appendix No. 4 to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 10.12.2020 No. 856).

What changes have been made to the form?:
Information has been added for registration at the place of residence of a minor foreign citizen under the age of 1 who was born in the territory of the Russian Federation, does not travel outside the territory of the Russian Federation and does not have a passport of a foreign citizen or other identity document of a foreign citizen, namely, it is now possible to add a record of the birth certificate
- the number of the birth certificate entry, the date of the birth certificate entry, and the name of the authorized body of the Russian Federation that performed the state registration of the birth.
Added information on writing the surname, first name and patronymic (if any) of a foreign citizen in Latin.
Information about the cadastral number of the land plot of the actual location has been added.
The fields of the form have changed in which address information about the building, structure, facilities, and premises within the apartment has been entered.

In addition, the forms of the following documents have been changed:

Application for removal of a foreign citizen or stateless person from the register at the place of stay (Appendix No. 1 to the Administrative Regulations);
Application for correction of typos and/or errors (Appendix No. 2 to the Administrative Regulations);
Application for removal of a foreign citizen or stateless person from registration at the place of residence (Appendix No. 3 to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 10.12.2020 No. 856);

The submission of notifications (applications) in the "old" forms will entail administrative liability under part 4 of Article 18.9 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

New forms of forms begin to be applied from 02/05/2025.

How do I use a voluntary health insurance (VMI) policy? .................More detailed
Millions of migrant workers acquire VMI policies by applying for patents. And only a few have managed to take advantage of it by receiving free medical care. Why?

We explain. There is only one way to get free medical care under a VMI policy - if you apply for it to the INSURANCE COMPANY that issued this policy. The phone number for contacting is indicated on the form of your LCA policy. Find it in the text of the policy in advance and, in case of an acute illness or accident, call this phone number. An employee of the insurance company will refer you to a SPECIFIC, SPECIFIC medical facility or send you a SPECIAL ambulance from the insurance company!
Only in this case, the insurance company will pay for the medical services provided. And they will be free for you!

Don't get sick!

Every year, more and more international students choose Russia for higher education. .................More detailed
Last year, more than 257,000 study visas were issued to foreign citizens, which is almost 12% more than in 2023.

An international student, like any foreign citizen, must comply with the migration legislation of the Russian Federation.

In order to enter Russia, a foreign student must have an ordinary study visa issued at the invitation of an educational organization and be registered at the place of stay. He also has the right to issue a temporary residence permit for the period of study.

If a visa-free regime is established with the country of nationality of a foreign student, a study visa is not required.

Please note that if a foreign student is expelled from a university, his temporary stay in Russia will be shortened and his study visa will be cancelled.

Such a foreigner, in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1126, has the opportunity to legalize his legal status by April 30, 2025. To resolve this issue, it is necessary to contact the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or the branches of the FSUE "PVS" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Information for employers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of RUSSIA on the need to regulate the legal status of foreign workers.................More detailed
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as part of the implementation of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1126, informs employers about the need to regulate the legal status of foreign citizens with whom labor or civil law contracts have been concluded for the performance of work (provision of services) and information about which is subject to inclusion in the register of controlled persons.

▶In order to carry out the necessary procedures and submit applications for permits, employers can organize a centralized appeal from foreign citizens:
- directly to the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
- through branches of FSUE "PVS" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or GBU MMC Sakharovo.

The absence of particularly dangerous infectious diseases and HIV infection from a foreign citizen is one of the mandatory conditions for entry into the Russian Federation for a long time.................More detailed
The requirement for mandatory medical examination applies absolutely to all foreigners staying in the country for a long time, as well as citizens of the EAEU countries, regardless of the purpose of their visit.
The results of the medical examination must be provided within:
- 30 calendar days (the working purpose of the trip);
- 90 calendar days (for other purposes).

This period is counted from the date of entry into Russia.

If the purpose of the trip is tourism, and the foreigner's stay in Russia does not exceed 3 months, then a medical examination is not required.

Foreigners provide medical examination documents in one of the most convenient ways:
- to the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
- in FSUE "PVS" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, GBU MMC Sakharovo;
- through a Single portal of state and municipal services.

The list of medical organizations where it is possible to undergo an examination and obtain supporting documents is established in each subject of the Russian Federation.

A foreigner must annually update and confirm the absence of particularly dangerous infectious diseases and HIV infection.
Otherwise, an administrative fine will be imposed on him, followed by expulsion from the Russian Federation.

The exception is highly qualified specialists. They re-submit medical documents within 30 calendar days from the date of the decision to extend the validity period of the work permit or from the date of entry into Russia.

In case of obtaining a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.................More detailed
Due to health reasons, the applicant is unable to visit the migration department of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on his own, this service will be provided to him at his actual location - the employee will come to the applicant himself.

To do this, relatives or legal representatives of a citizen should apply to the nearest migration unit of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. It is necessary to have a medical report confirming the impossibility of personal appearance of the applicant.

The service is free, you only need to pay the state fee for obtaining a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Additionally, we inform foreign citizens working under the patent:.................More detailed
The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 9 dated 15.01.2007 was amended:
from 05.02.2025, registration of foreign citizens for migration will be carried out ONLY for the period of paid patent tax (personal income tax).

On January 25, a law comes into force aimed at combating fictitious marriages and fatherhood.................More detailed
From now on, foreign citizens will be able to obtain a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation outside the quota for marriage with a citizen of the Russian Federation only if the marriage lasts at least three years or they have a child together.

A simplified residence permit can be obtained by a foreign citizen if the child was born (adopted) in a marriage with a citizen of the Russian Federation.

If the marriage is not registered between the parents, then it is necessary to confirm by the court the fact of their joint residence in the country for at least three years, as well as participation in the maintenance and upbringing.

In addition, if a marriage that was the basis for obtaining a temporary residence permit and subsequently a residence permit is declared invalid or terminated by a court, the relevant migration status will be revoked, including by decisions that were taken before January 25, 2025.

Foreign citizens who have lost their legal grounds for staying in the Russian Federation.................More detailed
They can continue to apply to the internal affairs bodies to settle their legal status.

We remind you that every foreign citizen who commits a violation of the stay regime is obliged to settle his legal status by April 30, 2025 inclusive. Otherwise, he will be expelled from Russia with the subsequent closure of entry.

To obtain permits, a foreign citizen must apply to the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or to the branch of the FSUE "PVS" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or to the GBU MMC Sakharovo.

CHANGES IN LEGISLATION: THE 90/365 RULE.................More detailed
We remind you that starting from January 1, 2025, the maximum period of stay in Russia for foreign citizens who arrived without a visa is no more than 90 days per calendar year (previously, during a 180–day period), except in cases where the permitted period of stay has been extended in accordance with the established procedure.

After this period, it will be possible to enter the country only in the next calendar year.

The new rule does not apply to foreign citizens staying in Russia during the validity period.:

, the patent;
, work permits;
Temporary residence permits, including for educational purposes;
, residence permit;
Certificates of temporary asylum.

Also, this rule does not apply to:

citizens of the EAEU (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan) who have concluded an employment or civil law contract and their family members;
having close relatives – citizens of the Russian Federation, or foreign citizens permanently residing in Russia on the basis of a residence permit and having a place of residence in the Russian Federation;
🔹 students;
minor children whose parents work on the basis of a patent;
participants in the State Program to facilitate the voluntary resettlement to the Russian Federation of compatriots living abroad, as well as those with the status of a family member of the participant in the State Program.

The extension of the period of stay is carried out, as before, by contacting the territorial division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation together with the extension of the migration registration "registration".

The changes apply exclusively to foreign citizens who enter the Russian Federation in a manner that does not require a visa.

The period of stay of a foreign citizen entering on the basis of a visa is determined as before by the validity period of the visa issued to him.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs: A labor patent will not be revoked upon dismissal.................More detailed
The Ministry of Internal Affairs clarified the procedure for the validity of labor patents, which are issued to foreign citizens so that they can legally work in Russia. The relevant information was posted on January 15 by TASS with reference to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on Migration.

The agency clarified that upon dismissal from one job, the patent holder will be able to get a new job with him if the permit has not expired.

"In case of termination of an employment contract with a foreign citizen, the patent on the basis of which the employment was carried out will not be revoked. A foreign citizen has the right to conclude an employment contract with another employer, provided that the patent has not expired," the central committee said.

A work patent is a work permit for foreign citizens who have arrived in Russia in a manner that does not require a visa. Citizens of such countries as, for example, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan will need a patent for the work.

You knew that to obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation, it is not enough just to be born in our country.................More detailed
The conditions and procedure for acquiring and terminating citizenship of the Russian Federation are regulated by Federal Law No. 138-FZ of April 28, 2023 "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation".

A child acquires Russian citizenship if on the day of his birth:

1️⃣ both parents or the only parent have the citizenship of the Russian Federation;

2. One of the parents has the citizenship of the Russian Federation, and the other is a stateless person;

3. One of the parents has the citizenship of the Russian Federation, and the other has the citizenship of a foreign state, provided that the child was born in the Russian Federation.;

4. one of the parents is a Russian citizen, and the other is a foreigner, provided that the child was born outside the Russian Federation, but did not acquire citizenship of a foreign state by birth.;

5. Both parents or the only parent are foreigners or stateless persons permanently residing in Russia, provided that the child was born in the Russian Federation and did not acquire citizenship of a foreign state by birth.

It is worth clarifying that birth in the Russian Federation also means the birth of a child on a water or aircraft belonging to our country.

It should also be noted that if the child's parents are unknown, then he acquires the citizenship of the Russian Federation by birth if, within six months from the date of his discovery, it is not established that he has the citizenship (citizenship) of another state.

On August 24, 2024, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1087 of August 15, 2024 entered into force, amending the Regulation on Establishing the Form of a visa, the Procedure and Conditions for its Registration and Issuance, extending its validity, restoring it in case of loss, as well as the procedure for visa cancellation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 9, 2003, No. 335.................More detailed
According to the amendments, a visa for entry into the Russian Federation is issued to a foreign citizen residing in a state other than his country of nationality, provided that he has a document confirming a residence permit in this country for a period of more than 180 days (previously - 90 days).

Such a document is usually a residence permit, a temporary residence permit, a work or study visa.

Failure to comply with this requirement entails refusal to accept visa applications for foreign citizens in a third country, including invitations to enter the Russian Federation issued by the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The tax on the income of a foreign citizen................More detailed
The amount of income tax for foreign citizens depends on their legal status and their status in tax legislation: resident/non-resident. It should be recalled that tax residents are persons who stay in Russia for at least 183 calendar days during the next 12 consecutive months. Let's take a closer look at some special categories.

• Foreigners with patents

Regardless of whether they are residents or non–residents, the personal income tax of a foreign citizen with a patent will be the same as that of citizens of the Russian Federation, i.e. 13% of the annual income of up to 2.4 million rubles. The only point worth considering is that they additionally make monthly payments for the patent.

At the same time, the employer can reduce the tax payments from wages by the amount of payments for the patent. To do this, the migrant must write an appropriate application, and the employer must send an application confirming the right to reduce personal income tax to the tax service. If the tax service agrees to reduce the personal income tax for the patent, then after that the next payments that the employer must transfer to the tax service from the salary, he can reduce by the amount of payment for the patent.

• Highly qualified foreign specialists

They are taxed according to the same principles as tax residents, even though they may not be tax residents. The only exception is that you need to look carefully at the type of payments, because when we say that the tax rate is the same as for residents, we mean wages. However, in addition to this, the employer can also pay other monetary compensation, for example, financial assistance, which will already be subject to appropriate taxes.

• Citizens of the EAEU

When you hire such foreigners, you charge them the same taxes as residents. However, at the end of the year, before submitting the closing statements, you must make a reconciliation of the employee's entries and exits, check whether he is a resident or not, and after that recalculate taxes in accordance with this logic. Even if you previously deducted tax on him as a resident, but found out that he is not a resident, then you must recalculate everything.

Important information: starting in 2025, the tax service plans to integrate more closely with migration services. This way, she will be able to see information about all the entries and exits of foreigners.

The internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation accept applications for an extension of stay from foreign citizens who do not have documents for legal residence and work................More detailed
From January 1 to April 30, 2025, every foreign citizen who commits a violation of the stay regime is required to report to the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or apply to the branch of the FSUE "PVS" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at their location in order to resolve their legal situation.

In accordance with Decree No. 1126 of the President of the Russian Federation dated 12/30/24, measures related to expulsion, placement in special institutions, and entry bans will not be applied to such persons.

After passing through the established procedures, they will be issued documents giving them the right to stay in our country.

❗️ Foreign citizens who have lost their legal grounds for staying in Russia, but have not applied to the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, are subject to expulsion in accordance with the established procedure with the closure of subsequent entry.

From 08.01.2025, two grounds for obtaining a residence permit are added...............More detailed
The relevant Federal Law No. 517-FZ dated December 28, 2024 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" was signed by the President.

Paragraph 2 of Article 8 of the 115-FZ, which lists the grounds for obtaining a residence permit bypassing the RVR, is supplemented by subparagraph 7.1, and the wording of subparagraph 10 is also changed.:
7.1) a foreign citizen who has relatives in a direct ascending line who were born or permanently resided on the territory of the RSFSR or on the territory belonging to the Russian Empire or the USSR, within the State Border of the Russian Federation;
10) a foreign citizen who has been working continuously for at least one year until the date of applying for a residence permit and who, as of the date of submitting such an application, is engaged in work in the Russian Federation in a profession (specialty, position) included in the list of professions (specialties, positions) of foreign citizens and stateless persons who are qualified specialists, those who have the right to obtain a residence permit in the Russian Federation without obtaining a temporary residence permit...

It also adds the opportunity to confirm proficiency in the Russian language, knowledge of the history of Russia and the basics of Russian legislation with the previously obtained decision on the recognition of the NRA.

And there is also a ban on state registration as an individual entrepreneur of a foreigner included in the register of controlled entities. Let me remind you that the amendments to the law related to this registry and the "expulsion regime" will come into force on February 5, 2025.

Most of the New Year holidays are over. Are you ready for new work achievements? Today we are sharing useful information for employers..............More detailed
What do I need to know when applying for a foreign student?

The employer has the right to conclude an employment contract with a full-time international student. Such an employee does not need to obtain a work permit or a patent.

In what cases will the employment contract with an international student be terminated?

The validity period of the temporary residence permit for educational purposes has expired;
🔵 a foreign citizen has completed or prematurely terminated his studies.

We remind you that the employer is obliged to notify the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of the conclusion of an employment contract with a foreign citizen no later than three working days from the date of its conclusion.

We remind foreign citizens and stateless persons.............More detailed
Starting from 01.01.2025, you can stay in Russia for 90 days during 1 calendar year (previously it was possible for 90 out of 180 days).

A calendar year is counted from January 1 to December 31 (according to Federal Law No. 107-FZ "On the Calculation of Time").

To stay in the Russian Federation for a longer period of time, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate status/ document: patent, work permit, RVP, residence permit, etc.

The Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 836 dated 11/29/2024 has been published.............More detailed
"On Establishing the Procedure for Informing the Territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation by a Foreign Citizen or a Stateless Person in Respect of whom the Expulsion Regime Applies about the information Provided for in Subparagraph 3 of Paragraph 5 of Article 9-1 of Federal Law No. 115-FZ of July 25, 2002 "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation"

A foreign citizen or stateless person (LBG) who is subject to the expulsion regime must personally inform the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the regional or district level at the place of residence/stay or actual location, or through Public Services.:

- about your location;
- on the occurrence of circumstances preventing timely independent departure from the Russian Federation;
- the date, place and route of the planned independent departure from the Russian Federation.

If it is impossible to appear in person, the controlled person must inform the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation by sending information with a photo with a geolocation mark through Public Services. You must submit information about yourself every 7 calendar days.

The order comes into force on 02/25/2025.

There will be changes in migration legislation in early 2025.............More detailed
We are talking about the most important innovations regarding the rules of entry to Russia, the employment of foreign citizens and registration.
Starting from January 1, 2025:
-the maximum period of stay in Russia for foreign citizens who arrived on a visa-free basis will be no more than 90 days per calendar year.
Except in cases where the permitted period of stay has been extended in accordance with the established procedure.
Starting from January 25 , 2025 , foreign citizens will be able to:
-extend your existing visa.
The law provides for the extension of an ordinary private visa issued on the basis of a decision of the head of a diplomatic mission or consular institution of the Russian Federation to a foreign citizen who is a close relative of a Russian citizen.
obtain a temporary residence permit in Russia without taking into account the quota.
Grounds for obtaining a PRTR:
- a marriage registered at least 3 years before the date of application with a citizen of the Russian Federation permanently residing on its territory;
- the presence of a common child born or adopted in marriage with a citizen of the Russian Federation permanently residing on its territory

Starting from February 5, 2025:
-officials of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation are authorized to make decisions on the administrative expulsion of foreign citizens from the country;
- A migration regime of expulsion is being introduced for foreigners who have lost their legal grounds for staying in Russia. Such citizens are entered in the register of controlled persons.
Citizens included in the register are prohibited from:
- change the place of residence or stay;
- travel outside the Russian regions in which they live;
- drive a vehicle;
- acquire movable and immovable property and register its ownership;
- to get married;
- establish legal entities, register as an individual entrepreneur;
- open bank accounts.

Any foreigner in the Russian Federation must have medical insurance (compulsory medical insurance or VMI). Lack of insurance can result in an administrative fine under Article 18.8 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

Compulsory medical insurance can be issued:

- IG who have an RVP/residence permit
- citizens of the EAEU who officially work under the TD in the Russian Federation
- IG with a patent, working under a TD in the Russian Federation, where the employer pays insurance premiums for at least 3 years before the policy is issued (i.e. IG has been working officially for at least 3 years)
- IG with refugee ID
- IG with temporary shelter

All other foreign citizens apply for VMI.

You can get an MHI/VMI from an insurance company.
The insurance is issued for a period of 1 year.

Under an MHI/VMI policy, you can receive assistance only within the framework of the policy program.

Starting from January 25, 2025, multiple-entry visas for migrant relatives will be introduced...............More detailed
The relevant government decree will come into force on this date.

The document amended the "Regulation on the establishment of the form of a visa, the procedure and conditions for its registration and issuance, the extension of its validity, its restoration in case of loss, as well as the procedure for visa cancellation."

These amendments have supplemented the section on an ordinary private visa.: It is issued for a period of up to 1 year to a foreigner who is a close relative of a Russian citizen, including a spouse, parent, child, brother/sister or grandfather/grandmother.

The validity of the specified visa can be extended at the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the place of registration of a foreign citizen for a period of up to 1 year.

To the attention of individuals and representatives of legal entities/individual entrepreneurs:..............More detailed
Registration of a foreign citizen/stateless person who has arrived in the territory of the Russian Federation on a visa or visa-free basis is a prerequisite for legal stay in the territory of the Russian Federation.

The subsequent provision of public services in the field of migration is associated with mandatory verification of the legality of the presence of a foreign citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation.

If employees of the structural divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation providing services in the field of migration, as well as district police officers, identify non-fulfillment of the obligation to register for migration (lack of information about registration at the place of residence in the state migration registration information system), as well as facts of the submission of knowingly unreliable (false) information or documents, both a foreign citizen and the person who acted as the host party will be involved. Thus, for illegal stay on the territory of the Russian Federation, a foreign citizen faces liability up to administrative expulsion from the Russian Federation, and the receiving party also faces liability up to criminal liability.

In order to prevent violations in the field of migration, when applying to the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for services in the field of migration, we strongly recommend that you make sure that a foreign citizen or a stateless person actually resides at the address indicated in the notification of arrival at the place of stay.

What advantages does RVPO provide to its owner?..............More detailed
⁃ stay in Russia for the entire period of study and 180 days after graduation;

⁃ getting free medical care;

⁃ registration of permanent registration;

official employment without obtaining a patent and work permit.

- the opportunity to apply for a residence permit in a simplified manner within three years after completing his studies at the university.

Foreign full-time students and postgraduates of state Russian universities and scientific organizations have the right to apply for a RVP in certain educational programs.

If you transfer to another state university or to another full-time educational program, the RVP will continue to operate.

Payment of the patent of a foreign citizen 2024..............More detailed
A labor patent is issued by foreigners from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Moldova, Azerbaijan, as well as non-citizens of Lithuania and Estonia. Citizens of Ukraine are also included in this list, but due to temporary exemptions they can work in the Russian Federation without it. The condition for this right is a medical examination completed on time and a green card issued (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 585 dated 08/27/2022).

An employer will violate the law if he allows a temporarily staying foreigner from one of these countries to work without a valid patent. As punishment, a legal entity or sole proprietor may receive a fine of up to 1 million rubles, or their activities will be temporarily suspended for a period of 14 to 90 days (Part 1, Part 4 of Article 18.15 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, it is important for the employer to control the validity of patents of foreign employees independently.

The work patent is issued for 12 months, and the end date is indicated in the document itself. But it is not only this date that affects the validity of the permit document. In order for the patent to continue to be valid, it must be paid for. And the patent is paid for monthly with the help of a tax advance payment.

Foreign citizens who have a VERIFIED account..............More detailed
registration on Public Services, have the opportunity to remotely receive registration (migration registration), submit notices of employment, applications for a residence permit and other applications and documents.

A confirmed account can be obtained at any MFC by contacting it with a passport and SNILS

The government has tightened the rules of migration registration..............More detailed
The Government has introduced additional restrictions in the field of migration. From February 5, 2025, foreigners temporarily staying in Russia will be registered at their place of residence for no more than a year, even if the temporary residence permit is valid for longer (Government Decree No. 1715 dated 12/04/2024).

The Government has made appropriate changes to paragraph 32 of the Rules for Migration Registration of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Russian Federation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. By Government Resolution No. 9 dated 01/15/2007.

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the rules for publishing data on illegal migrants..............More detailed
The Russian government has approved the rules for publishing information on migrants who are in the country illegally on the Internet. The corresponding decree was signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, it will come into force on February 5.

We are talking about data from the register of controlled entities. It will be launched on February 5 to combat illegal migration. According to the decree, the registry operator will be the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The information will be updated on the Ministry's website within 24 hours after they are entered into the register (or excluded from it).

It will be possible to check the foreigner by surname, first name, patronymic, date of birth, and identification document data. Access to this information will be provided only upon request. You cannot view the entire list of illegal migrants, but you can check the presence or absence of a specific person if you enter his data.

Requests are processed for free, and the result is displayed in real time. The information received is valid at the time of the request and can be used by government agencies and other users without restrictions.

On August 8, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law that introduced a migration regime for the expulsion of foreigners or stateless persons who are illegally in the country or have violated the law. Certain rights and freedoms are restricted for them, and federal state control measures in the field of migration are also applied.

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06.12.2024 No. 1732
"On approval of the Rules for posting information about a foreign citizen or a stateless person in the Register of Controlled Persons on the Internet information and telecommunications network, including the composition of the posted information"

The Ministry of Labor issued an order on quotas for work permits and invitations for employees from visa countries..............More detailed
The Ministry of Labor of Russia has approved a list of professions for which it will be possible to attract foreign workers arriving on visas in 2025. Important note: the document was signed record early!

This means that employers can already start attracting foreign specialists for the next year. The list is available on the official website of the Ministry of Labor.

In connection with the incoming questions about the new opportunity to register in the apartment by proxy, we explain the details..............More detailed
The power of attorney must be notarized.
The power of attorney itself must specify:
the authority of the person to sign and submit such an application, submit and receive documents necessary for registration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of residence or place of stay.

The representative must have with him the originals of all documents, including the applicant's passport, in order to mark the registration.

Be extremely careful when drawing up a power of attorney that allows you to receive public services related to residential property.

For registration of such a document, contact an authorized notary. Also, make sure that the authorized person will only have the right to perform registration actions and exclude abuse of your rights.

Resettlement of foreign citizens who share Russian spiritual and moral values..............More detailed
Due to the growing interest in the topic of moving foreign citizens from unfriendly countries, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia informs about what needs to be done for those wishing to obtain a temporary residence permit (RVP) on the territory of our state.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 702 dated August 19, 2024 "On the provision of humanitarian support to persons sharing traditional Russian Spiritual and moral values" established a simplified regime for entry into the Russian Federation and stay on its territory of foreign citizens.

An application for a temporary residence permit can be submitted by a foreign citizen both outside of Russia and on its territory.

To apply for a temporary residence permit, you must provide the following documents:
-application in two copies;
-two personal photos;
-passport or other document certifying the identity of a foreign citizen;
-a document issued by the competent authority of the state of permanent residence not earlier than 3 months before the date of filing the application, indicating the presence (absence) of a criminal record of the applicant.

Documents drawn up in a foreign language are subject to translation, certified by a notary or a consul.

For the period of consideration of the application for persons staying in Russia, the validity period of the visa or temporary stay will be extended.

After obtaining a patent, a foreign citizen must..............More detailed
Get a job within 2 months;
To conclude an employment contract or a civil law contract with an employer;
To submit a notice of employment to the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the place of actual employment. A foreign citizen is obliged to send this notification both on the basis of concluding an employment contract with a legal entity and in the case of concluding a civil contract with an individual ORALLY. In case of failure to provide notification, your patent will be revoked.
🔻Make monthly advance payments.

After completing these points, you will be able to live and work in Russia without fear of deportation or any penalties.

From January 1, 2025, the period of stay of foreign citizens in the territory of the Russian Federation arriving on a visa-free basis will be no more than 90 days in a calendar year..............More detailed
The stay of foreign citizens for more than 90 days may be extended if there are the following grounds:

an application has been submitted for a temporary residence permit or a residence permit in the Russian Federation;
employment under a patent; training in an educational or scientific organization for full-time or part-time education;
The employment of a foreign citizen who is a worker of a member State of the Eurasian Economic Union also applies to family members of such a migrant worker;
the presence of a family member of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a foreign citizen permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation who has a place of residence in the Russian Federation for a foreigner who arrived in the Russian Federation in a manner that does not require a visa;
whether a foreign citizen has the status of a participant in a State program to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad to the Russian Federation, or the status of a family member of a participant in this program.

Legally working in Russia means.............More detailed
Have a registration at the place of residence (the place where you live in Russia), a patent, an employment or civil law contract, and a timely (within two months) notification of employment.

Citizens of the EurAsEC member states can work without patents, on the basis of an employment or civil law contract.

On 10.12.2024, the State Duma will consider a bill prohibiting the admission of migrant children who do not know Russian to schools.

This bill will allow you to check:

The legality of the child and his parents' stay in the territory of the Russian Federation (In schools, children can be given questionnaires where they will need to write where his parents work and at what address they stay);

📌 The level of knowledge of the Russian language when enrolling children of foreign citizens in schools of the Russian Federation

📚📈It is believed that this bill will ensure the implementation of state guarantees for the quality of education, the development of general education programs by students in the state language of the Russian Federation, as well as the harmonization of the rights and obligations of all participants in the educational process.

From 01.12.2024, checks on foreigners will be strengthened, and the procedure for photo and fingerprint identification will be introduced. It will be held as an experiment.

📍At Moscow airports (Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo, Vnukovo and Zhukovsky)
📍In the Orenburg region on the border with Kazakhstan - CHECKPOINT Mashtakovo

The changes will not affect citizens of the Republic of Belarus, children under 6 years old, diplomats, employees of diplomatic missions and consulates, employees of international organizations and their representative offices accredited in Russia, as well as their family members.

"After testing the algorithm, the government, together with colleagues from the FSB, will consider scaling it to all border crossings," the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation said.

Citizens of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Moldova can acquire citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified manner based on their citizenship.............More detailed
We remind you that according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 12/18/2023 No. 962, citizens of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Moldova permanently residing in Russia, who have reached the age of 18 and have legal capacity, have the right to apply for citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified manner.

A prerequisite for submitting documents for the acquisition of citizenship of the Russian Federation is the presence of a residence permit.

Citizens of Kazakhstan and Moldova need to confirm their knowledge of the Russian language (knowledge of the history of Russia and the basics of the legislation of the Russian Federation is not required to confirm). Citizens of Belarus are exempt from such necessity.

The application for admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation is submitted in the general form established by the Regulation on the procedure for considering issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation approved. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 889 dated 11/22/2023 (Appendix No. 1).

Together with the application for admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to submit:
- residence permit;
-an identity document;
-birth certificate and change of surname;
-3 3x4 cm photos;
-receipt of payment of the state fee (4,200 rubles)
- one of the documents confirming the proficiency in the Russian language (provided by citizens of Kazakhstan and Moldova)

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has developed a draft Decree of the President of the Russian Federation concerning the legal status of certain categories of foreign citizens and stateless persons.............More detailed
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has prepared a draft legal act of the Head of State, providing for amendments to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 307 dated April 27, 2023 "On the peculiarities of the legal status of certain categories of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation", as well as the recognition of certain acts of the President of the Russian Federation as invalid.

Due to the active involvement of foreign citizens in the work to restore the infrastructure of new regions, it is proposed to extend until December 31, 2025, inclusive, the period during which foreign citizens have the right to work in the territories of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, Zaporizhia and Kherson regions without a patent and work permit, subject to fingerprint registration and photographing.

Employers who employ such employees will also not need to obtain permits, but they will remain obliged to send notifications to the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the conclusion (termination) of employment and civil law contracts with foreign citizens.

Starting from February 5, 2025, a register of controlled persons will be introduced, which will include foreign citizens who are in the Russian Federation and do not have legal grounds to stay (reside) in the Russian Federation. The expulsion regime will be applied to foreign citizens included in such a register.

In this regard, for citizens of Ukraine who have not settled their legal situation in the Russian Federation in accordance with the established procedure, it is proposed to establish a "grace period" (three months) during which they will be able to apply to the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for obtaining migration status without applying administrative measures to them.

A transitional period is in effect in the territories of the new subjects until January 1, 2026, during which issues of their integration into the economic, financial, credit and legal systems of the Russian Federation, into the system of state authorities of the Russian Federation must be settled.

With this in mind, the draft decree provides that the provision of public services in the field of migration in full in the territories of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, Zaporizhia and Kherson regions will be carried out from January 1, 2026.

At the same time, we draw attention to the completion of the period of replacement of documents confirming the right to permanent residence in the territories of new regions issued by the authorized bodies of the Donetsk People's Republic, Luhansk People's Republic or Ukraine (including expired ones).

Foreign citizens who have such documents and wish to retain the right to permanent residence must apply to the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with an application for a residence permit in the Russian Federation by December 31, 2024.

HOW TO RENEW A PATENT ...............More detailed
In order not to leave Russia after the expiration of the patent (12 months from the date of issue), the patent can be reissued.

It is recommended to apply to the migration center for reissue of the patent no later than 20 days before the expiration of the period of 12 months from the date of issue specified in the previously issued patent.

To reissue a patent, it is necessary to submit:
1) Application for renewal of the patent;
2) Passport of a foreign citizen;
3) Migration card marked "work";
4) Valid notification of migration registration;
5) Valid patent;
6) VMI policy;
7) Documents confirming payment of personal income tax (all receipts for the entire term of the patent);
8) Certificate of passing the exam on knowledge of Russian as a foreign language, the history of Russia and the basics of the legislation of the Russian Federation;
9) Medical report;
10) The petition of the employer, the customer of works (services) for the renewal of the patent of a foreign citizen;
11) A copy of the employment contract or a copy of the civil contract for the performance of work (provision of services).

Starting from January 1, 2025, the advance payment for the patent will amount to 8,900 rubles. If at the end of 2024 a foreign citizen paid for a patent several months in advance (based on the calculation of 7,500 rubles per month), is it necessary to pay 1,400 rubles in addition to each month in 2025?"...............More detailed
Answer: No, you do not need to pay extra.
If the patent is received in the current calendar year, and its validity period ends in the next calendar year, then by the end of the current calendar year the patent can be paid at the current rates, while in the next calendar year you will not have to pay extra to the advance payments made.

Accordingly, for example, if a foreign citizen in November 2024 made an advance payment for a patent of 7,500 rubles for 6 months in advance until April 2025, then from January 2025 there is no need to make an additional payment. In this case, only from May 2025, the monthly advance payment for the patent will amount to 8,900 rubles.

Once again about migration registration...............More detailed
Which is the foundation of your legal stay and work in Russia. Without it, you will not be able to apply for a patent and stay in Russia for more than 90 days. You need to register for migration within 7 days from the moment of arrival. Your receiving party, the owner of the apartment you rent, is OBLIGED to issue migration registration. The first registration period is 90 days. To extend it, you need to sign a written employment or civil law contract. For citizens who are not members of the EAEU, it is necessary to issue a patent before doing so.

From December 1, foreigners will take biometrics upon entry into the Russian Federation..............More detailed
From December 1, 2024, foreign citizens and stateless persons entering Russia will submit photos of their faces and fingerprints at checkpoints across the state border. The experiment on the submission of biometric data by migrants will take place in two stages:

From December 1, 2024 to June 30, 2026 — in Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo, Vnukovo, Zhukovsky, if technically possible, and the Mashtakovo automobile cargo and passenger point (Orenburg region);
From June 30, 2025 to June 30, 2026 — at other checkpoints across the state border.

All incoming foreigners and stateless persons will take biometrics, except:

- citizens of the Republic of Belarus;
- Heads and employees of diplomatic missions and their family members;
- Officials of international organizations and their families;
- heads and employees of consular offices of foreign states and their family members;
- holders of diplomatic and service passports and their family members;
- foreign citizens with a diplomatic or official visa;
- foreign citizens and stateless persons under the age of 6.

Photos and fingerprints will be used to form a digital profile of the migrant. That will give you the opportunity to receive various services on the territory of Russia — for example, to get medical insurance.

The procedure for obtaining a state service for issuing a residence permit through the portal "Public Services"..............More detailed
An application for a residence permit can also be submitted in the form of an electronic document using the Unified Portal of Public Services. If an application is submitted in the form of an electronic document, an additional application in any other form is not required.

To be able to apply for a residence permit through the Unified Portal of Public Services, the applicant must have a verified account in the personal account of the portal.

Obtaining a verified account takes place in three stages:
1. Registration on the Public Services portal https://esia.gosuslugi.ru/login/
2. Filling in personal data
3. Proof of identity (you can confirm your identity online through a bank, you need a Russian bank card for this, or in person at the service center)
Step-by-step instructions for registration in the unified portal are available at the link: https://www.gosuslugi.ru/help/faq/login/0006

Common mistakes when filling out an application form in electronic form:

The application for a residence permit must be completed in the attached form. You do not need to attach a copy or scan of the application.

❗️Non-compliance with the requirements for the photo. A common
mistake is to reinforce a low-quality photo taken with a phone camera. It is necessary to provide photos only in electronic form. You can get an electronic version of the photo at any photo salon.
The main requirements for photography:
The photo should include a close - up of the applicant 's head and upper shoulders;
🚩The background is strictly white;
🚩without a headdress (except in cases where it is not allowed by religious canons);
🚩glasses without tinted glasses;
🚩without artistic processing;
🚩 Photography in outerwear or uniforms is not allowed.

The passport data (series and number) are filled in incorrectly. If there is no series, only the column "number" is filled in, the date of issue in the format 00.00.2024, the issuing authority (as in the passport).
For example: number A1234567, date of issue 01.01.2022, issuing authority GMST

In case of refusal to accept an application for a residence permit submitted in the form of an electronic document, an electronic message is sent to the applicant about the refusal to accept such an application, indicating the grounds for refusal.

Please note that there are no groundless refusals, in order to be able to re-submit an application, it is necessary to eliminate these comments.

Peculiarities of the work activity of foreign citizens..............More detailed
In order to work in Russia, foreign citizens who arrived on a visa-free basis must not only issue a patent, but also conclude an employment contract with an employer within 2 months from the date of issue of the patent, as well as submit a notice of employment to the migration departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the district level at the place of employment.

❗️It is necessary to send a notification, including in the case of concluding a civil contract, even if such an agreement was concluded ORALLY with an individual.

If a foreign citizen fails to submit a notification and a copy of the contract within 2 months from the date of issue of the patent, the granted patent is canceled.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, since the beginning of 2024, almost 10 thousand patents issued to foreign citizens who did not submit a timely notice of employment have been canceled in the Moscow Region. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia notifies a foreign citizen about the cancellation of a patent at the place of his migration registration. If a foreign citizen lives at a different address, he may not know that his patent has been revoked and continue to pay for an invalid patent.

Information about such foreign citizens is transmitted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In order to avoid revocation of the patent and shortening the period of stay in the Russian Federation, foreign citizens must provide a notification and a copy of the employment contract or civil law contract to the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia within the period specified by law.

The responsibility for forgery of documents in order to organize illegal migration has been tightened..............More detailed
A law has been adopted that establishes increased fines for the manufacture or trafficking of forged documents for the purpose of organizing illegal migration with confiscation of the instruments of committing an offense for legal entities — from 5 to 10 million rubles, for repeated commission — from 10 to 60 million rubles.

The law also increases the fine for forgery of documents, stamps, seals or letterheads, their use, transfer or sale to 80 thousand rubles, and for repeated offenses — up to 200 thousand rubles.

This will help to prevent the issuance of false forms of notification of the arrival of a foreign citizen — one of the most common crimes in the field of organizing illegal migration.

Did you know that the social fund pays Russian pensions in the EAEU countries, and also takes into account work experience in these countries when assigning pensions in Russia?..............More detailed
We tell you in more detail! 📃The appointment of a pension taking into account the periods of work in the states of the Eurasian Economic Union (Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan) is regulated by an international agreement effective from January 1, 2021.

Based on the terms of the agreement, Russia guarantees the payment of pensions outside the Russian Federation, and also takes into account the work experience acquired on the territory of any of the EAEU countries when assigning a pension.

How is it taken into account?

✔️ Work experience until March 13, 1992

The Social Fund will take it into account without any confirmation. But if there is no corresponding entry in the workbook, or there are corrections or inaccuracies, clarification will be required.

✔️ Work experience from March 13, 1992 to January 1, 2021

It must be confirmed without fail. The Social Fund will apply for confirmation of this information to the relevant competent authority of the state party to the EAEU Agreement. The confirmed experience during this period is combined with the Russian experience.

✔️ Work experience after January 1, 2021

From this moment on, each country independently ensures pension rights acquired on its territory. The pensioner receives payments simultaneously from all the EAEU states where his work was carried out.

How is the length of service confirmed?

To confirm the length of service, the State party to the EAEU Agreement provides another country with an appropriate form. If the information is presented incorrectly in response, the agency awarding the pension will not be able to accept and use such confirmation. Also, certificates and documents submitted by the citizen himself cannot be accepted for consideration.

Read more about the agreement, as well as pension provision for persons living abroad, on the website of the Social Fund of the Russian Federation

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Cancellation of the RVP, residence permit after 01/25/2025.............More detailed
On January 25, 2025, Federal Law No. 358-FZ "On Amendments to Article 25.6 of the Federal Law "On the Procedure for Leaving the Russian Federation and Entering the Russian Federation" and the Federal Law "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation", signed by the President of the Russian Federation on October 26, 2024, will enter into force. This normative legal act is aimed at preventing the facts of the use of family law relations by foreign citizens in order to regulate their legal situation on the territory of the Russian Federation contrary to the national interests of our country.

In case of divorce, annulment of marriage, deprivation of parental rights and cancellation of the record of establishing paternity, the temporary residence permit and residence permit will be canceled, and the foreign citizen will have to leave the territory of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia informs ............More detailed
On November 22, 2024, the deadline for swearing in a citizen of the Russian Federation by persons in respect of whom decisions on admission to Russian citizenship have been made in accordance with the previously valid Federal Law No. 62-FZ of May 31, 2002 "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation" expires. From November 23, 2024, such persons will be considered not to have acquired Russian citizenship, and decisions on their admission to Russian citizenship will be invalid. The relevant norms are fixed in paragraph 3 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 889 dated November 22, 2023 "Issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation".These provisions do not apply to persons who acquired citizenship of the Russian Federation before the introduction of the obligation to take the Oath of a citizen of the Russian Federation (September 1, 2017) or were exempted from taking it on the date of admission to Russian citizenship.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 22, 2023 No. 889 ............More detailed
persons who applied for citizenship of the Russian Federation in the period from mid-2017 to November 2023, but did not appear for the swearing-in procedure of a citizen of the Russian Federation, are considered persons who have not acquired citizenship of the Russian Federation.

On January 1, 2025, the maximum period of stay in the territory of the Russian Federation for foreign citizens arriving on a visa-free basis will be no more than 90 days in a calendar year............More detailed
These conditions will not apply to foreigners who have arrived for the purpose of studying, have issued a patent, have an employment relationship with an employer or other legal status.

Previously, foreigners without long-term legal status could stay in the territory of the Russian Federation for no more than 90 days within 180 days.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia informs that a foreign citizen is obliged to apply in advance for migration documents for legal stay in the territory of the Russian Federation and carefully monitor the validity of the patent and the payment of advance payments.

Starting from December 1, the airports of the Moscow air hub (Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo, Vnukovo and Zhukovsky), as well as at the Mashtakovo automobile checkpoint in the Orenburg region, will be launched...........More detailed
a mandatory procedure for photo and fingerprint identification of foreign citizens or stateless persons directly upon entry into the Russian Federation.

The procedure will not affect citizens of Belarus, children under 6 years old and diplomats.

Please note that during the experiment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, control measures are being strengthened at other checkpoints to prevent unreliable persons from entering the country, including those who have changed their personal data, whose entry is prohibited.

To foreign citizens applying for a work patent!...........More detailed
In case of a change in the surname, first name or patronymic, it is necessary to specify this information in the application for registration / reissue of the patent, including the reason and date of the change.

Please note that providing false information may result in a refusal to grant a patent.

The President approved a law aimed at the possibility of extending a private visa for up to a year...........More detailed
exclusion of the use of fictitious marriages and fictitious establishment of paternity for obtaining temporary residence permits and residence permits by foreign citizens or stateless persons. Federal Law No. 358-FZ dated 10/26/2024 "On Amendments to Article 25-6 of the Federal Law "On the Procedure for Leaving the Russian Federation and Entering the Russian Federation" and the Federal Law "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation"